Costs Measured Includes:
Easily Measured Solid Costs
Wasted time, wasted opportunity, lost time - due to absenteeism, lost opportunity - due to absenteeism, staff turnover related, legal support and non-legal support.
Difficult to Measure Solid Costs
Bad press and marketing issues, degraded decision quality, lowered job motivation and productivity, health of employee's costs, quality of work or service, market entry delay, reputation; clients & public, reputation; employees & prospective employees, hiring difficulty, and creativity lost or reduced.
Nearly Impossible to Measure Soft Costs
Stress, frustration, and anxiety, strained relationships, increased client complaints, diminished funding potential, diminished team morale, and customer service reduced quality.
Workplace conflict is normal and inevitable. However, the real question is how is your organization dealing with it and whether or not you and your team are experiencing positive or negative outcomes as a result of it.